Eighth Generation

8497. Martha Coffey was born on 27 November 1875 in Wayne Co., KY. Martha died on 25 May 1956 at the age of 80 in Wayne Co., KY and was buried at Spann Hill Cemetery in Monticello, Wayne Co., KY.26499

Martha Coffey and Jacob Cosby Koontz were married on 16 February 1905 in Wayne Co., KY. They appeared in the census on 10 January 1920 in Wayne Co., KY.26500 Jacob Cosby Koontz was born on 7 March 1885 in Wayne Co., KY. He registered for the WWI draft on 12 September 1918 in Wayne Co., IA.26501 Jacob died in Wayne Co., KY on 24 April 1962.26502

Martha Coffey and Jacob Cosby Koontz had the following children:



Elbie Koontz was born on 18 November 1905 in Wayne Co., KY. Elbie died in Monticello, Wayne Co., KY on 1 July 1988 and was buried at Elk Spring Cemetery in Monticello, Wayne Co., KY in July 1988 .



Delbie Koontz.



Bertha Koontz.



Cosby Koontz was born on 25 October 1915 in Wayne Co., KY. Cosby died in Wayne Co., KY on 7 January 1983. His burial place is not yet known.26503,26504
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