Eighth Generation

11225. Mary Edna Coffey was born on 22 January 1908 in Lenoir, Caldwell Co., NC.32570

Mary Edna has not been found in the 1910 census. She may have died as an infant.

Mary Edna Coffey and Joseph Howard Taylor were married on 11 April 1932 in Boone, Watauga Co., NC.32571 They32571 appeared in the census on 20 April 1940 in Lower Creek Twp., Caldwell Co., NC.32572 Joseph Howard Taylor was born circa 1908 in North Carolina.

Mary Edna Coffey and Joseph Howard Taylor had the following children:



Living was born in 1932 in Lower Creek Twp., Burke Co., later Caldwell Co., NC.32573



Living was born circa 1936 in Caldwell Co., NC.
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