Eighth Generation

7959. Nina Jean Coffey was born on 10 January 1921 in Lyndon, Jefferson Co., KY. In the 1940 census she was named Nina, age 19 yrs. Nina died in Kentucky on 20 May 1998 and was buried at Cave Hill Cemetery in Louisville, Jefferson Co., KY in May 1998 .

Nina Jean Coffey and Owen Thomas Deavers Jr. were married. Owen Thomas Deavers Jr. was born on 3 April 1920 in Louisville, Jefferson Co., KY. Owen enlisted in the on 7 April 1944 at Fort Benjamin Harrison, IN.25109 Owen died in Louisville, Jefferson Co., KY on 4 July 2008 and was buried at Cave Hill Cemetery in Louisville, Jefferson Co., KY in July 2008 .

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