Eighth Generation

12472. Florence Rosette Baldwin was born on 13 May 1914 in Avery Co., NC.36488 Florence died at Hospice Solace House in Asheville, Buncombe Co., NC on 2 April 1990 of non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma and was buried at Ashelawn Gardens in Asheville, Buncombe Co., NC in April 1990 .36489,36490,36491

Florence Rosette Baldwin and Hap Ramey were married on 5 August 1927 in Blowing Rock, Watauga Co., NC.36492 They36492 were divorced circa 1937 in cakdwell co., nc. Hap Ramey was born circa 1906 in Virginia.

Florence Rosette Baldwin and Gordon Lee Pitts were married circa 1930 in North Carolina. They appeared in the census on 26 April 1940 in Upton, Globe Twp., Caldwell Co., NC.36493 They36493 were divorced on 8 September 1949 in Caldwell Co., NC. Gordon Lee Pitts, son of Roland Captain Pitts and Sarah Greene, was born on 17 April 1891 in Caldwell Co., NC. Gordon died in Blowing Rock, Watauga Co., NC on 5 February 1964 of respiratory arrest and was buried at Woodlawn Cemetery in Blowing Rock, Watauga Co., NC in February 1964 .36494,36495

Florence Rosette Baldwin and Gordon Lee Pitts had the following children:



Living was born circa 1931 in North Carolina.



Living was born in 1936 in Watauga Co., NC.36496



Living was born in 1938 in Caldwell Co., NC.36497



Living was born in 1939 in Wilson Creek Twp., Caldwell Co., NC.36498



Living was born in 1942 in Boone, Watauga Co., NC.36499



Living was born in 1944 in Blowing Rock, Watauga Co., NC.36500

Florence Rosette Baldwin and Noble Edward Thomas were married on 3 July 1949 in Asheville, Buncombe Co., NC.36501 Noble Edward Thomas was born on 16 November 1916 in Arkansas. Noble died on 8 March 1986 and was buried at Godwin Cemetery in Izard Co., AR in March 1986 .36502

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