Eighth Generation

13951. Ella Dalton was born on 4 March 1903 in Grainger Co., TN. Ella died in Grainger Co., TN on 1 July 1994 and was buried at Ella is buried in July 1994 at Dalton Cemetery in Thorn Hill, Grainger Co., TN. Her date of death is not known to me.39010

Ella Dalton and Tip Dalton were married on 11 October 1923 in Grainger Co., TN.39011 Tip Dalton, son of George Dalton and Louise Hurst, was born on 9 March 1900 in Grainger Co., TN. Tip died in Grainger Co., TN on 10 June 1970 and was buried at Dalton Cemetery in Thorn Hill, Grainger Co., TN in June 1970 .39012

Ella Dalton and Tip Dalton had the following children:



Elisha Dalton was born on 4 September 1935 in Thorn Hill, Grainger Co., TN. Elisha died in Thorn Hill, Grainger Co., TN on 4 August 1939 unknown causes and was buried at Dalton Cemetery in Thorn Hill, Grainger Co., TN on 6 August 1939 .39013,39014
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