Ninth Generation

17808. Mary Ellen Coffey was born on 12 October 1941 in Yadkin Valley, Caldwell Co., NC.44480 Mary died in Yadkin Valley, Caldwell Co., NC on 28 November 1996 and was buried at Rufus Cemetery in Rufus, Mulberry Twp., Caldwell Co., NC in December 1996 .29495,44481

Mary Ellen Coffey and Wade Herlie Phillips were married on 18 December 1965 in Caldwell Co., NC.44482 Wade Herlie Phillips, son of Clyde Dewey Phillips and Stella Loughortie Cardwell, was born on 24 October 1938 in Parsonsville, Wilkes Co., NC. Wade died in Lenoir, Caldwell Co., NC on 27 February 2016 and was buried at Rufus Cemetery in Rufus, Mulberry Twp., Caldwell Co., NC in March 2016 .44483

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