Ninth Generation

16302. Buford Ottwa Coffey was born on 8 March 1896 in Buena Vista, Independent City, VA.5126 He lived with his parents in Buena Vista, Independent City, VA on 9 June 1900. He registered for the WWI draft on 5 June 191742372 He appeared in the census on 15 April 1930 at in a boarding house headed by Alice K. Lewis in Bristol, Bristol (city), VA.42373 Buford appeared in the census on 18 April 1940 in Bristol, Bristol (city), VA.42374 He registered for the draft on 22 April 1942 in Bristol, Bristol (city), VA42375 Buford died on 9 November 1964.

Buford Ottwa Coffey and McDonald S. Lindsay were married on 7 August 1917. They lived with her mother in Bristol, Bristol (city), VA on 9 January 1920. McDonald S. Lindsay, daughter of Stuart B. Lindsay and Nannie B. , was born in October 1895 in Virginia.

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