Eighth Generation

8659. Jesse Hazel Coffey was born on 18 March 1907 in Kaufman Co., TX. She lived with her parents in Kaufman Co., TX on 12 May 1910. She lived with her parents in Hill Co., TX on 15 January 1920. Jesse died of uterine cancer on 21 August 1940 at the age of 33 at home in Covington, Hill Co., TX and was buried at Itasca, Hill Co., TX on 22 August 1940.26910,26911

Jesse Hazel Coffey and Hershel Brown Giddins were married circa 1924. Hershel Brown Giddins was born on 26 July 1896 in Texas. Hershel died in Terry Co., TX on 14 April 1981.26912

Jesse Hazel Coffey and Hershel Brown Giddins had the following children:



Nancy Elaine Giddins was born (date unknown).



Barbara Ann Giddins.
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