Seventh Generation

6430. Clarence Coffey was born on 12 February 1890 in Kentucky. Clarence died in Kentucky on 5 March 1983 and was buried at Free Union Cemetery in Sano, Russell Co., KY in March 1983 .21240

Clarence Coffey and Lula Ann Hadley were married circa 1920 in Kentucky. They appeared in the census on 23 April 1930 on the McGaha Road in White Oak Pct., Adair Co., KY.21241 They21241 appeared in the census on 3 May 1940 in White Oak Pct., Adair Co., KY.21242 Lula Ann Hadley, daughter of James William Hadley and Sarah Elizabeth Kearns, was born on 2 January 1898 in Kentucky. Lula died in Kentucky on 26 July 1980 and was buried at Free Union Cemetery in Sano, Russell Co., KY in July 1980 .21243

Clarence Coffey and Lula Ann Hadley had the following children:



Pauline Coffey was born circa 1922 in Illinois.



Ada Ruth Coffey was born circa 1925 in Illinois.



James W. Coffey was born circa 1928 in Illinois.



Camilla L. Coffey.



Geneva Coffey was born circa 1932 in Adair Co., KY.



Living was born circa 1933 in Adair Co., KY.
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