Eighth Generation

9966. Elsie Lorine Coffey was born on 26 January 1921 in Amherst Co., VA.

Elsie Lorine Coffey and Kenneth Edward Coffey were married on 19 April 1947 in Amherst Co., VA.29746 Kenneth Edward Coffey, son of Edward Witt Coffey and Annie Eliza Massie, was born on 11 July 1926 in Madison Heights, Amherst Co., VA. Kenneth died in Virginia on 25 September 2002 and was buried at Mineral Springs, Baptist Church Cemetery in Gladstone, Nelson Co., VA in September 2002 .29747

Elsie Lorine Coffey and Kenneth Edward Coffey had the following children:



Perry Lane Coffey was born on 20 February 1957 in Lynchburg, Independent City, VA. Perry died at Virginia Baptist Hospital in Lynchburg, Independent City, VA on 14 November 1980 of head trauma due to auto accident and was buried at Mineral Springs, Baptist Church Cemetery in Gladstone, Nelson Co., VA in November 1980 .29748,29749



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