Fifth Generation

642. Dr. Jesse Franklin Cleveland86 was born on 7 February 1847 in South Carolina. He appeared in the census on 8 June 1900 in Spartanburg, Spartanburg Co., SC.2704 Dr. Cleveland was injured in a train and buggy collision on 19 October 1910 in Spartanburg, Spartanburg Co., SC.2705

"Given A Close Call - Train Killed Horse, Broke up Buggy, Man Escaped.

"At Spartanburg Dr. Jesse F. Cleveland, president of the Tucapau mills and one of the wealthiest men in upper South Carolina, had a narrow escape from death there Wednesday when the buggy in which he was driving was struck by a passenger train on the Southern railway at Forest street crossing in that city.

"The horse was killed and the vehicle was smashed to pieces. Dr. Cleveland was thrown from the buggy and sustained slight injuries. At first it was thought a wound in his head was of a serious nature, but this has not proved to be true. Wednesday night he was sitting up and receiving his friends.

"At the point where the accident occurred there is a sharp curve which is situated on a grade crossing. Houses are built close up to the track, and it is not possible to see an oncoming train fore than 100 (?) feet away. An engineer can not see the crossing until he is right on it. Dr. Cleveland was driving south on Forestt [sic] street and didn't see the train nor did the engineer see Dr. Cleveland until it was utterly impossible to stop the train in time to prevent the accident." Jesse died in South Carolina on 1 May 1926 and was buried at Episcopal Church of the Advent in Spartanburg, Spartanburg Co., SC in May 1926 .2706

Dr. Jesse Franklin Cleveland and Caro V. Zimmerman were married.86 They86 appeared in the census on 8 June 1880 in Spartanburg, Spartanburg Co., SC.2707 Caro V. Zimmerman was born in 1848 in South Carolina. Caro died in Spartanburg, Spartanburg Co., SC in 1899 and was buried at Episcopal Church of the Advent in Spartanburg, Spartanburg Co., SC in 1899 .2708

"Death in Spartanburg

"Special to the State.

"Spartanburg, Jan. 5. - Mrs. Dr. Jesse F. Cleveland died at the family home last night. She had been a sufferer from consumption for months and her death was not unexpected.

"She was universally esteemed and also well known throughout the county, being a sister of Mr. Chas. W. Zimmerman of Glenn Springs. She will be burried [sic] at the Church of Advent his afternoon at 4:30 o'clock."

Dr. Jesse Franklin Cleveland and Caro V. Zimmerman had the following children:



Elizabeth Emily Cleveland was born on 13 April 1874 in South Carolina. Elizabeth died in Saluda Twp., Greenville Co., SC on 19 June 1923 of pulmonary tuberculosis and was buried at Episcopal Church of the Advent in Spartanburg, Spartanburg Co., SC in June 1923 .2709,2710,2711



John Zimmerman Cleveland.



Robert B. Cleveland was born in June 1879 in South Carolina.



Arthur Cleveland was born on 4 November 1884 in Spartanburg, Spartanburg Co., SC. Arthur died in Hendersonville, Henderson Co., NC on 31 July 1936 probably of a heart attack and was buried at Episcopal Church of the Advent in Spartanburg, Spartanburg Co., SC in August 1936 .2712,2713



Conrad Pierce Cleveland.
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