Ninth Generation

18146. Dr. Charles Glenn Bridges was born on 1 August 1914 in Buncombe Co., NC. Charles died and was buried at on 20 September 1983 at the age of 69 in Cullowhee, Jackson Co., NC and was buried at Fairview Memorial Gardens in Sylva, Jackson Co., NC on 22 September 1983 .44985,44986

Dr. Charles Glenn Bridges and Elizabeth Drucilla "Drucilla" McGee were married on 25 November 1937 in Buncombe Co., NC.44987 Elizabeth Drucilla "Drucilla" McGee, daughter of Ausie McGee and Selma N. Nixon, was born on 16 March 1919 in Hart Co., GA. Drucilla died on 30 April 1994 at the age of 75 in Asheville, Buncombe Co., NC and was buried at Sylva, Jackson Co., NC.44988,44989

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