Eighth Generation

10464. Daniel David Coffey was born on 30 March 1935 in Watauga Co., NC.30721 Daniel died in Tennessee on 31 October 2002 and his remains were cremated. Disposition of his ashes are unknown to me.30722

Daniel David Coffey and Beverly Bryant were married on 15 August 1953 in Caldwell Co., NC.30723,30724 Beverly Bryant, daughter of Junie Adam Bryant and Mary Onie Lee Setzer, was born on 22 November 1936 in Caldwell Co., NC. Beverly died in North Carolina on 5 February 1999 and was buried at Globe Baptist Church Cemetery in Globe, Caldwell Co., NC in February 1999 .30725 She was also known as Bervalee Bryant.30725

Daniel David Coffey and Beverly Bryant had the following children:



Sylvia Gail Coffey.



Debra Sue Coffey.






Shirley Jean Coffey was born on 22 February 1960 in Caldwell Co., NC.30726 Shirley died at Caldwell Memorial Hospital in Lenoir, Caldwell Co., NC on 22 February 1960 of prematurity due to excessive amniotic fluid in mother and was buried at Bellview Cemetery in Lenoir, Caldwell Co., NC on 23 February 1960 .30727,30728



Sandra Gaye Coffey was born on 22 February 1960 in Lenoir, Caldwell Co., NC.30729 Sandra died at Caldwell Memorial Hospital in Lenoir, Caldwell Co., NC on 22 February 1960 of prematurity due to excessive amniotic fluid in mother and was buried at Bellview Cemetery in Lenoir, Caldwell Co., NC on 23 February 1960 .30730






Living was born in 1963 in Lenoir, Caldwell Co., NC.30731
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