Seventh Generation

5279. Norinne Sanders was born on 17 December 1876 in Indiana. She lived with her father in Lookout Mountain, Hamilton Co., TN on 14 April 1930. Norinne died of jaundice on 3 July 1939 at the age of 62 in Lookout Mountain, Hamilton Co., TN and was buried at Forest Hills Cemetery in Chattanooga, Hamilton Co., TN.17371,17372

Norinne Sanders and James Harvey Anderson were married. James Harvey Anderson was born on 9 February 1874. James died in Hamilton Co., TN on 7 January 1966 and was buried at Forest Hills Cemetery in Chattanooga, Hamilton Co., TN in January 1966 .17373

Norinne Sanders and James Harvey Anderson had the following children:



Infant was born and died of premature birth on 15 April 1915 in Lookout Mountain, Hamilton Co., TN and was buried at Forest Hills Cemetery in Chattanooga, Hamilton Co., TN on 16 April 1915.17374,17375
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