Eighth Generation

8074. Bernice Coffey was born on 8 November 1926 in Columbia, Adair Co., KY. Bernice died in Glasgow, Barren Co., KY on 21 January 2019 and was buried at Providence Baptist Church Cemetery in Adair Co., KY in January 2019 .25360

Bernice Coffey and Vernon Calhoun were married. Vernon Calhoun, son of Lawrence W. Calhoun and Carrie Ethel Stapp, was born on 15 June 1919. Vernon died in Kentucky on 23 June 1984 and was buried at Adair Co., KY in June 1984.25361,25362

Bernice Coffey and Vernon Calhoun had the following children:



Carroll Gene Calhoun was born on 17 January 1949 in Adair Co., KY. Carroll died in Russell Springs, Adair Co., KY on 19 February 1949 penumonia and was burie at Providence Baptist Church Cemetery in Adair Co., KY in February 1949 .25363,25364



Jerry M. Calhoun was born on 13 April 1947. Jerry died in Kentucky on 14 December 2004 and was buried at Providence Baptist Church Cemetery in Adair Co., KY in December 2004 .25365



Kathy Gail Calhoun was born on 20 May 1953. Kathy died in Kentucky on 3 April 1954 and was buried at Providence Baptist Church Cemetery in Adair Co., KY in April 1954 .25366
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