Ninth Generation

15314. Aurelia Coffey was born on 19 October 1910 in Texas. She lived with her parents in Wise Co., TX on 29 April 1930. Aurelia died in Alameda Co., CA on 12 December 1971 and was buried at Oaklawn Cemetery in Decatur, Wise Co., TX in December 1971 .40979,40980

Aurelia Coffey and Ray Pendleton were married.

According to his 1918 WW1 draft registration form, Ray was married prior to his union with Aurelia and had two children. The family is not found in the 1920 census record. They appeared in the census on 2 May 1940 in Denton Co., TX.40981 Ray Pendleton, son of John R. Pendleton and Lydia May Cogswell, was born on 18 January 1895 in Middletown, Jefferson Co., KY. He registered for the WWI draft on 5 January 1917 in Lexington, Fayette Co., KY.40982 Ray died at Decatur Clinic Hospital in Decatur, Wise Co., TX on 27 February 1951 of myocardial failure and was buried at Oaklawn Cemetery in Decatur, Wise Co., TX on 6 March 1951 .40983,40984,40985

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