Seventh Generation

5220. DDS Oscar Leonard Moore was born on 2 April 1885 in Caldwell Co., NC.17222,17223 He registered for the WWI draft on 12 September 1918 in Lenoir, Caldwell Co., NC.17224 Oscar died at home at 122 Hibriten St. in Lenoir, Caldwell Co., NC on 31 October 1952 of suspected pancreatic cancer and was buried at Bellview Cemetery in Lenoir, Caldwell Co., NC in November 1952 .17225,17226,17227

DDS Oscar Leonard Moore and Marguerite M. Long were married. Marguerite M. Long was born on 20 February 1896. Marguerite died in North Carolina on 16 February 1980 and was buried at Bellview Cemetery in Lenoir, Caldwell Co., NC in February 1980 .17228

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