Eighth Generation

14324. Bryce H. Hill was born on 9 September 1905 in Oklahoma. Bryce died in Oklahoma on 22 September 1970 and was buried at Holdenville Cemetery in Holdenville, Hughes Co., OK in September 1970 .39459

Bryce H. Hill and Verna Marie Dean were married on 31 March 1946 in Holdenville, Hughes Co., OK.39460 Verna Marie Dean was born on 16 November 1917 in Holden, Johnson Co., MO. Verna died in Holden, Johnson Co., MO on 11 October 2003 and was buried at Holdenville Cemetery in Holdenville, Hughes Co., OK in October 2003 .39461

Bryce H. Hill and Marie Moore were married on 23 May 1928 in Mangum, Greer Co., OK.39462 Marie Moore was born circa 1907.

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