Seventh Generation

5524. Nolan E. Coffey17892 was born on 13 October 1893 in Canton, Cherokee Co., GA. He registered for the WWI draft on 5 June 191717893 Nolan died in Lawrence Co., TN on 13 May 1972 and was buried at Lawrence County Memorial Gardens in Lawrenceburg, Lawrence Co., TN in May 1972 .17894

Nolan E. Coffey and Muriel Amelia Mayfield were married on 29 December 1919 in Bartow Co., GA.17895 They17895 appeared in the census on 4 February 1920 at Dist. 8 in Lawrence Co., TN.17896 They17896 appeared in the census on 16 April 1930 in Lawrenceburg, Lawrence Co., TN.17897 Nolan and Muriel17897 appeared in the census on 16 April 1940 in Lawrenceburg, Lawrence Co., TN.17898 Muriel Amelia Mayfield, daughter of Pearson B. Mayfield and Martha Elizabeth Collins, was born on 14 November 1896 in Georgia. Muriel died in Lawrence Co., TN on 12 April 1983 and was buried at Lawrence County Memorial Gardens in Lawrenceburg, Lawrence Co., TN in April 1983 .17899

Nolan E. Coffey and Muriel Amelia Mayfield had the following children:



Doris Muriel "Pat" Coffey.
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