Tenth Generation

21865. Lucille May Maritt was born on 21 June 1918 in Oklahoma.

Maybe born May 21, 1918 or perhaps 1919? Lucille died in Cleveland Co., OK on 14 December 1999 and was buried at Dripping Springs Cemetery in Cleveland Co., OK in December 1999 .48291

Lucille May Maritt and Marvin Flinn Curren were married on 6 March 1938 at The Nativity Church in Los Angeles Co., CA.48292 They48292 appeared in the census on 3 April 1940 at San Gabriel Twp. in Alhambra, Los Angeles Co., CA.48293 Marvin Flinn Curren, son of Thomas Curren and Mary Ellen Moore, was born on 15 January 1915. Marvin died in Oklahoma on 1 September 2001 and was buiied at Cleveland Co., OK in September 2001.48294

Lucille May Maritt and Marvin Flinn Curren had the following children:



Living was born circa 1939 in California.
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