Eighth Generation

13987. James Walter Dalton was born on 19 June 1899 in Grainger Co., TN. In November 1977. James died in Bean Station, Grainger Co., TN on 2 November 1977 and was buried at Adriel Baptist Church Cemetery in Bean Station, Grainger Co., TN in November 1977 .39080

James Walter Dalton and Maude L. Dalton were married on 29 January 1933 in Hamblen Co., TN.39081 Maude L. Dalton, daughter of James Landon Dalton and Katie Jane Brooks, was born on 29 July 1909 in Grainger Co., TN. Bean Station, Grainger Co., TN in November 1991. Maude died in Bean Station, Grainger Co., TN on 27 November 1991 and was buried at

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