Ninth Generation

15365. Allie Fern Coffey was born on 29 January 1897 in Illinois.

On the marriage license to marry Mr. Curtis, Allie reported her place of birth in Arkansas. She lived with her brother Overton in Tuttle, Grady Co., OK on 28 January 1920. Allie died on 10 August 1984 at the age of 87 in Oklahoma and was buried at Bethany Cemetery in Bethany, Oklahoma Co., OK.41021,41022

Allie Fern Coffey and Clinton Jay Casady were married on 23 December 1917 in Chickasha, Grady Co., OK.41023 Clinton Jay Casady was born on 1 October 1892 in Nevinville, Adams Co., IA. He registered for the WWI draft on 5 June 191741024 Clinton died in Verden, Grady Co., OK on 15 December 1918 and was buried at Verden Cemetery in Verden, Grady Co., OK.41025

Allie Fern Coffey and Clinton Jay Casady had the following children:



Geneva F. Casady was born circa 1919 in Oklahoma. She lived with her mother and uncle Overton in Tuttle, Grady Co., OK on 28 January 1920.

Allie Fern Coffey and Henry R. Curtis were married on 29 March 1941 in Cleveland Co., OK.41026 Henry R. Curtis was born on 1 January 1879 in Rolla, Phelps Co., MO. He registered for the WWI draft on 12 September 191841027 Henry died in Crescent, Logan Co., OK on 17 December 1956 and was buried at Crescent Cemetery in Crescent, Logan Co., OK in December 1956 .41028

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