Eighth Generation

11339. Gracie Fay Coffey was born on 26 August 1922 in Purdon, Navarro Co., TX. Gracie died in Mineral Wells, Palo Pinto Co., TX on 20 January 2017 and was buried at Gracie is buried at Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery in Retreat, Navarro Co., TX in January 2017 . Her date of death is unknown.32806

Gracie Fay Coffey and Joseph Pierce Woodard were married. Joseph Pierce Woodard was born on 2 March 1918. Joseph died on 26 February 1979 at the age of 60 in Fort Worth, Tarrant Co., TX and was buried at Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery in Retreat, Navarro Co., TX.32807

Gracie Fay Coffey and Joseph Pierce Woodard had the following children:



Living was born in 1955 in Tarrant Co., TX.32808



Living was born in 1959 in Tarrant Co., TX.32809
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