Eighth Generation

8053. Philetus Everett Coffey was born on 11 November 1925 in Adair Co., KY.25299 Philetus died in Fayette Co., KY on 17 January 1964 and was buried at25300,25301 Freedom Cemetery in Gentry Mills, Adair Co., KY in January 1964 .25302

Obituary, unknown source

Everett Coffey Dies After Heart Surgery

Philetus Everett Coffey of Sano, Rt., Columbia, died following heart surgery in a Lexington hospital on Friday, January 17. He was 38 years old and had been in poor health for five years.

A veteran of World War II, he served a tour-of-duty overseas.

Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Ruby Sinclair Coffey; there [sic] sons, Michael Wayne, Richy Van and Darrell Lynn Coffey, Sano Rt.; one sister...[obituary ends].

A living couple was married in 1950 in Adair Co., KY.25303 Living, daughter of Leslie Sinclair and Dorothy Cravins, was born in 1932 in Kentucky.

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